Monday, May 28, 2007

Move over, Mother Earth, corporations bring spring now!

As it was done with Earth Day and everything good people did, we became pawns in the corporate PR game. After putting up a pittance for a rain water tank in our garden, Aveeno is milking it for all it's worth it. A satellite link back then, summoning gardeners to assist at 4:30 AM....
Bringing greenhouse pots in an early spring/cold weather garden - "so it looks good" for the shoot, rent-a-kid vacationing children (as the gardeners' kids were in school that day)
...Little did we know they'll be doing "before" shots too - to illustrate how lazy we are to not get the garden to bloom in winter...
Here's the little example of corporate truth.
Enjoy (and read the comments)
Among the things that made the "before": Maya's birdhouse, the mural high school kids painted as part of a community outreach program, the garbage gardeners were taking out to prepare for Aveeno-s photo op and most of the cold April early spring sights
Among the things that made the "after": my tulips (planted by a gardener before me) Clover's totem statue - sculpted years ago as a response to the real estate developers trying to take over the garden
From Leslie's collection, some truly "before" shots and some "after" - not a corporate fake-out - but years of loving effort from many gardeners

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