Thursday, September 23, 2004

Swimming in the deep, Showtime!

Congratulations, Maya for her first deep water swim! She is very proud!
After the pool we walked to the Stuyvesant Cove where we saw Circus Amok again.
It was the same show I described here, but next to east River, with the sunset and a moon above and a delighted Maya and friends.
By the time it was over, Maya had the jumpies - she kept dancing on the big rock she and her friends were perched on. The band kept playing, soon one of the performers got all the dancing kids in the ring and lead them into a frenzy of tumbling, jumping, dancing - a second show was born.
P.S. In my recount of the Circus Amok from my NY Minute blog I mistakenly called the shitting, farting elephant Howard when his real name was Harold. I deeply apologize to anyone who was misled by this information.

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