Monday, October 27, 2003

Halloween Dog Costumes Parade
New York
Yesterday in Tompkins Square (dubbed by Maya Pumpkin Fare) we watched the great show! Most of our favorites won: Carmen Miranda - complete with hat, earrings, a Harlem Globe Trotter with the team shirt and afro wig, White Trash (underwear, undershirt, cap with the flag and six pack of bear attached to the leash, Fluffy - the Harry Potter 3 headed dog (2 fake heads attached), Charlie's Angels (complete with a cigar chumping Charlie).
Our garden is a veritable haunted house as well - with creative characters made from stuffed clothes, pumpkin heads, New Year hats and a lot of imagination. There's a mailbox with two arms ready to grab you, ghosts and witches everywhere.
Sandra and Adrian's departure to Germany is coming close. Everyone is jittery with anticipation and missing each other already.

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