Wednesday, June 27, 2007

End of school, a blackout

Maya had a half a day today - then started her summer vacation.
Brought home a glowing report - I'll quote my favorite stuff for bragging purposes:
"Maya is a valued member of the classroom with her friendly, fair and considerate nature.Maya's cheerful and yet thoughtful disposition makes her a popular choice as a partner both during work and choice time.

Later in the hot day (94 degrees) a blackout occurred uptown. It wasn't long - it led to some free ice cream and chilled wine distribution (as well as people stuck in hot subways). It sent me buying batteries and flashlights as well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

School picnic

Every year, before the summer vacation, schools in NYC organize an outing. Children's Workshop - which does a lot of things well, has chosen a godawful location for this - the east River Park which - for some years now - is practically a construction site. Still, the kids had a good time!Many more photos here and also here

Monday, June 25, 2007

Only in New York

While Victor went on a mushroom walk, Maya and I went to a street fair - got a puppy puppet that attracted the neighborhood dogs, then went to Central Park. Maya had a Shakespeare workshop with NY Classical theater, we had a picnic and saw a roving Shakespeare play, Love's Labors Lost (you had to run around to catch the next scene)"We guarantee best seats to the fastest of you" 9for the duration of a scene that is) Of course, maya amused herself in getting there first and I got seats too - it was a record numbers crowd as these last photos from the theater website show More photos here

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer Solstice Garden Party

On a picture perfect summer day, lots of us - big and small celebrated the start of the summer in the garden. We wrote our wishes on a balloon that we let fly, we played music, played, schmoozed around. More photos here

Friday, June 22, 2007

Happy Birthday, Erica!

Your cake is made, and we decorated ourselves - and a bit the cake as well. We all had cake and headed to the garden to party (June 23)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Summer solstice everyone!

We launched a balloon with our wishes on it

Strawberries festival

Maya's class prepared this ceremony going with the American Indian traditions. All weel the kids have cooked (strawberry lemonade, strawberry shortcake et al) plus Maya woke up very early today to go with Victor and pick juneberries - to keep with the motif. parents patiently waited for the kids to file in, then kids lined up to sample their goodies - and us too. maya got to show us things she wrote, posted on the walls etc. Tests are also behind us - the school year is practically finished!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's a bee, honey! (the play)

We finally had the play today - and we got to take our bee puppets home. Maya called hers Mozart, mine is Bea Arthur

Happy Father's Day!

To all the fathers in the family!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Puppet making & play workshop

Thanks to Bubbie's diligent finding of everything fun to do in NYC,Maya and I had a great fun today! It seems Jim Henson company (they of the Muppets fame) were sponsoring this puppet making workshop - that turned out was a preparation for a play to take place tomorrow. Maya and I built some bees (plus a surprise for Daddy for Father's Day) and rehearsed tomorrow's show

Friday, June 15, 2007

Spot Victor in the crowd!

Someone told us you could see him in the video I linked earlier and I grabbed the shot. See if you can spot him

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Maya's school changed a street name in NYC!

There was a trip downtown - with cameras and speeches and pomp and circumstance. 4th graders last year, learned of Elizabeth Jennings who desegregated public transportation in NYC in 1854 (horse and buggy). They petitioned the City for a street name - and eventually a portion of Park Row downtown was co-named today for her.What struck me from the kids' story: when she was not allowed equal rights, Elizabeth hired a lawyer who fought and won the battle. He went on to become a US president. She remained largely ignored, until over 150 years later some school kids got a street (a block of a street really) named after her.
We went, speeches were made, some kids talked and sang, a kid had to climb on the sign to unveil the new name (as the string pulling originally planned tore the paper apart), Victor taught the kids about yummy juneberries (until the librarian came and said: shhhhht!) - and a good time was had by all
Here's some coverage from NBC news
and an article from NY1

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy belated Birthday, Cristina!

It was on June 7 - you may have forgotten it by now - but I do know you guys celebrated it nicely - with Sasha's baptism and the trip to Sinaia.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ava is in Romania!

This morning (afternoon there) she arrived by train from Budapest and was met by Cati at Gara de Nord. I spoke with both.

Friday, June 01, 2007

More "international" Children - happy June 1st!


I am all ferklempt - Maya's writing books

I went to her class to see some of her recent writings - bound in to books and got this surprise that has me babbling like an idiot(photos do click to larger size):

Also, happy all our international children!

Happy Birthday, Dorina!

Here's a photo I found


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